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Teby Cup – Coppetta mestruale – Trasparente


from 12,4711,84 taxes inc


Teby Cup is the 100% Italian menstrual cup, made for all women looking for a safe and eco-sustainable product. Produced in certified medical silicone practical and safe.

Why use the Teby Cup menstrual cup?

  • Ecologica: riutilizzabile tutte le volte che vuoi! Meno plastica e meno rifiuti!
  • Comfortable: easy to insert thanks to the soft medical platinum silicone that adapts to the vaginal walls. It lasts up to 8-10 hours and contains the flow of 3 buffers. You will forget that you are on your period days.
  • Hygienic: avoiding contact of blood with the air: fewer germs and bacteria, zero odors and respect for the vaginal pH.
  • Economical: stop the monthly purchase of sanitary pads and tampons! A woman consumes about 11,000 sanitary pads in her life ... the Teby Cup menstrual cup lasts for years of cycle.

What is the best menstrual cup?

Each woman has different physical characteristics, which is why the Teby Cup menstrual cup has different sizes and hardnesses, to best adapt to the female body.

How to choose the right menstrual cup?

The right menstrual cup can be chosen based on age, pelvic floor tone and if you have had vaginal deliveries.

Which menstrual cup size should I buy?

Size 1:

capacity: 20.5 ml

Size 2:

capacity: 31 ml

sotto i 30 anni

senza figli, niente parti per via naturale


con una muscolatura pelvica tonica

vagina stretta o sensibile

sopra i 30

almeno un parto per via naturale

vagina con cervice alta

Tonic or soft menstrual cup?

The Teby Cup Tonica is suitable for those who play sports or have a very strong pelvic floor.

The soft menstrual cup is for those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle and are particularly sensitive.

Soft menstrual cups are also well suited to those who do normal physical activity or have a good pelvic floor. They just need a few more moments to position themselves correctly. They are easier and more delicate to extract.

La regola più importante è la corretta igiene

Ecco le buone regole da usare sempre:

  • Sterilizzala prima di ogni ciclo facendola bollire per 5/7 minuti in abbondante acqua, attendi poi che si sia completamente raffreddata prima di utilizzarla.
  • É meglio non raffreddarla con acqua fredda per non creare sbalzi termici eccessivi e invecchiare precocemente il silicone.
  • Prima di inserirla lava bene le mani.
  • Al momento del cambio, svuotala e sciacquala con acqua corrente potabile. Se puoi lavala con il sapone intimo sciacquandola accuratamente e poi rimettila.
  • Non è necessario sterilizzarla ogni volta che ti cambi. Questa operazione va fatta sicuramente ad inizio e fine ciclo. La vagina non è un ambiente sterile, ma comunque la tua coppetta dovrà essere ben pulita.

How do you use the menstrual cup?

• Fold your Teby Cup as you prefer. You can make a C or Punch Down folding.

• Find a comfortable position and insert the cup. You can do it seated on the bidet or on the toilet or you can try standing and rising one leg.  

• After 4-8 hours, empty the cup, wash it with water and soap and reuse it!


How much do I save by using the Teby Cup menstrual cup?

The average expense that a woman has to face for each menstruation varies greatly from the type of sanitary napkins, the flow and the duration, but it can be around 3 euros 5 euros.

This means that in a year you can spend more than 60 euros, and for 38 years of fertile life a woman will spend around 2,280 euros.

The Teby Cup lasts at least 5 years and costs € 11.90. A nice saving!

Do you need more information on the Teby Cup menstrual cup?

Download the leaflet or see our Guide: How to use the menstrual cup.

Additional information

Weight 0,06 kg




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