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Citric Acid 1 kg

11,39 13,90

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How to make softer your cloth nappies without the fabric softener? CULLA DI TEBY suggests you the citric acid, a good solution, natural and ecologic, to sweeten the water of your washing machine and make softer your washable absorbent pads.

Citric acid can be also used as: descaler, brightener, hard water stains remover... only one product for many uses!

Using instructions 

For softener

  • Dissolve 150 g of citric acid in one litre of demineralised water.
  • Pour the citric acid solution in the softener dispenser drawer of your washing machine.
  • Suggested doses in ml for a 4 – 5 kg laundry.
  • Sweet and medium water: 100 ml of softener made of citric acid
  • Hard water: 150 ml of softener made of citric acid


You can use the citric acid also as:


  • Pour 150 g of citric acid in one litre of demineralised water.
  • Using instructions: pour the brightener made with citric acid directly in the brightener dispenser tray of the dishwasher. Set the dose indicator to Maximum.


  • Pour 150 g of citric acid in one litre of demineralised water.
  • Using instructions: pour some drops of the product directly on a wet cloth or on a sponge and rub the surfaces you want to clean. As an alternative, you can put the descaler cleaner made with citric acid in a spray bottle; spray it on the surface you want to clean, rub with a wet cloth or a sponge and rinse.

Do not use on marble, stones and wood.

Do not directly use it on fabrics. Not suitable for contact with food. Check the product label for the using instructions.

Keep the container well closed in an aerated place.

Do not exceed the suggested doses, it could damage textiles.

Verdevero ecological soaps chosen by Culla di Teby are 100% Made in Italy!


P280 Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi proteggere gli occhi/il viso.
P261 Evitare di respirare la polvere/i fumi/i gas/la nebbia/i vapori/gli aerosol.
P305/351/338 IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare.



INCI – Ingredients:

Anhydrous Citric Acid

Additional information

Weight 1,000000 kg

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